Monday, 4 June 2007

George Bush in Trastevere

Dear Readers,

You may or may not have heard that the 43rd US president will, this Saturday, be descending on Trastevere for some gelati, together with his hundreds of personal bodyguards. Apparently he is making a bee-line for the Chiesa di Santa Maria - arguably the oldest Christian church in Rome, perched on a piazza in which I find myself many times a week, a piazza in which I've done everything from dance to a didgeridoo to crawl intoxicated across the cobblestones. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

DC said...

practices of spectatorship and general cultural consumption seem to be closely connected to a sense of ennui and boredom. Why does this not apply to travel in strange lands? Here the craving for ever more extreme experiences does not, no longer, index the onslaught of everyday monotony. We need more accounts of violence on the cobblestones. I, like your links, charge you to decorate a sheet. These days the poets like to spit.

ps. have only begun on your take on typewriter tunes, : ). but v impressive, as expected.